This is the last page of a three page update! Please hit the back button or click this link to see the first page of the update!

Thank you for reading, everyone! Although this Nuzlocke was short (short, yeah right, it’s 57 pages), it’s been nearly a full year since I started it.

I would have liked to see Brucey evolve over time, but alas, the rules of the Nuzlocke are the rules. If people express interest, I may do shorter comics about the team (since I still want to play the game and will finish it without adhering to the Nuzlocke rules), but as it is, the Nuzlocke is over. I’m simultaneously relieved and sad to see it go, but maybe I’ll be able to expand into other stories now that this is over!

Hope to see you in the future!

You can find my other comics on my main website!