Special Guest TigerHussle joins Karen and M to talk about the Clown Sightings of 2016. 
Does anyone remember the constant clowns in the news and sweeping across social media? It seems that there’s more than one wave of clowns…

TigerHussle’s Links

Music provided by Dark Fantasy Studios. [License]


BBC. (2016, October 6). ‘Killer CLOWNS’ in Canada: Why are These sightings spreading? BBC News. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-37567132.

CBS Interactive. (2016, September 21). Georgia girl, 11, arrested with knife at school says she FEARED clown attacks. CBS News. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/georgia-girl-arrested-knife-school-feared-clown-attacks/.

Chan, M. (2016, October 4). Mob of Penn state Students FLOOD streets to hunt for clowns. Time. https://time.com/4517709/penn-state-clown-hunt/.

Field, C. (2017, October 7). Clowns in woods try to lure children with money, residents say. WYFF. https://www.wyff4.com/article/clowns-in-woods-try-to-lure-children-with-money-residents-say/7024131#.

Haubursin, C. (2016, October 11). Why clowns are the real victims of the clown craze. Vox. https://www.vox.com/2016/10/11/13227812/creepy-clowns-explained.

Maitland, T. A. (2016, October 11). Waikato clown attacks, no laughing matter. Stuff. https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/crime/85198339/waikato-clown-attacks-no-laughing-matter.

May, A. (2016, August 4). Creepy clown with BLACK BALLOONS wandering Wisconsin. USA Today. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2016/08/04/creepy-clown-black-balloons-wandering-wisconsin/88063684/.

McGann, H., & Said-Moorhouse, L. (2016, October 10). Creepy clown craze sweeps the globe. CNN. https://www.cnn.com/2016/10/10/world/creepy-clown-sightings-global/index.html.

Office of the Press Secretary. (2016, October 4). Press briefing by press Secretary Josh EARNEST, 10/4/2016. National Archives and Records Administration. https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/the-press-office/2016/10/04/press-briefing-press-secretary-josh-earnest-1042016.

Press, A. (2016, October 3). Police: Virginia TEEN asked clown on social media to kill her teacher. Fox News. https://www.foxnews.com/us/police-virginia-teen-asked-clown-on-social-media-to-kill-her-teacher.

Press, T. A. (2016, September 30). Man arrested in stabbing death of boy with clown mask. pennlive. https://www.pennlive.com/news/2016/09/man_arrested_in_stabbing_death.html.

Romano, A. (2016, October 12). The great clown Panic of 2016 is a hoax. but the Terrifying side of clowns is real. Vox. https://www.vox.com/culture/2016/10/12/13122196/clown-panic-hoax-history.

Romano, A. (2016, October 12). The great clown Panic of 2016 is a hoax. but the Terrifying side of clowns is real. Vox. https://www.vox.com/culture/2016/10/12/13122196/clown-panic-hoax-history.

Wikimedia Foundation. (2021, July 19). 2016 clown sightings. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_clown_sightings. 

Today’s episode is brought to you by Karen’s experiences with psychics in Sedona! We take a quick look over different kinds of psychics and discuss our psychic-related experiences.


Smithey, William. “The Use of Psychics in Homicide and Missing Persons Investigations.” Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Sept. 2012, www.fdle.state.fl.us/FCJEI/Programs/SLP/Documents/Full-Text/Smithey,-William-J-paper.aspx.

This episode has content that may disturb sensitive viewers.
CW: Mentions of rape and descriptions of the homicide.

Karen & M discuss the Kobe Cannibal and the injustice of him walking free after killing and eating Renée Hartevelt. 
Skip to 41:35 is you want to learn about the world’s tallest mallard (Long Boi) instead.


[1] “Issei Sagawa”. Wikipedia. Retrieved July 7, 2021.


[2] “Renée Hartevelt – Biography”. IMDb. Retrieved July 7, 2021.


[3] “‘Paris Cannibal’ Sagawa reminisces over his grisly crime”. Japan Today. Retrieved July 7, 2021.

[4] (This is the photo source). Snow in Hades. Tumblr. Retrieved July 7, 2021. **This source contains graphic imagery and nudity.

[5] “Issei Sagawa “The Japanese Cannibal” (lost Renee Hartevelt death footage 1981)”. Lost Media Archive. Retrieved July 7, 2021.

[6] “Poetic justice: is the Japanese cannibal finally paying a price?”. Post Magazine. Retrieved July 7, 2021.

Youtube clip we talked about

Music provided by Dark Fantasy Studios. [License]

Karen regales M with cryptid lore surrounding the Appalachia area. We talk Mothman, Whitey, Chessie, and more!

Music provided by Dark Fantasy Studios. [License]

Karen & M discuss what the definition of what a serial killer is and how the current serial killings in Little Rock, AR are affecting the community.

Source List:

Serial Killer Statistics

LRPD seeking out information on suspect in serial knife attacks that have left 3 dead

Little Rock Police Scramble To Identify Suspected Serial Killer After Multiple Stabbings

Local superhero ShadowVision vows to take down the Little Rock slasher

Real Life Superhero ShadowVision

Police see link in four knife attacks, three fatal, since August in central Little Rock

Music provided by Dark Fantasy Studios. [License]


An intermediary episode where Karen and M discuss a ghost tour they went on and how they’re like 99% sure the guy was just taking them on a ride.

Music provided by Dark Fantasy Studios. [License]

Hello, hello, hello!

I’m doing a blog post for this episode because I just can’t resist adding a few photos for people to look at.

I’ll put the majority of them in a gallery, but! We went to see the Whaley House! Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, it’s closed for tours. Or it was when we went.

I did not see one ghost on this ghost tour.

Heyooo! Sometimes I make emojis! These are all free for people to use for their servers or whatever. Just don’t repackage it and sell it. No money should be made on these things!! It’s just some emojis I made for me and decided to share them.

Set 1

There’s a redraw meme going on on Twitter and I’ve been in a bit of a creative rut lately, so I jumped on in! I think everyone about my age saw this when they were young and it held a pretty great influence over them. The thing about it was it was written and drawn by a 16 year old girl! It got published in three languages and even if a lot of people make fun, you can’t deny that that’s an astonishment.

I was wondering how she’s doing, so I looked her up, and she gives a bit of a talk about it in the linked thread.

Gotta say I relate. When I was a teen, I got big into Homestuck and that stuff still haunts me to this day. That said, I didn’t have anywhere near the amount of engagement as this book did!!

My cohost, cowriter, co-buddy requested an otome profile for Charlie. It’s hard to emulate the style???

M. Moore

portfolio and journal

M. Moore's Portfolio & Journal by M. Moore is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0