Written in 2022:

I should just go back and finish reading this series. I was reading Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas. Funny how I remember that but I really don’t fucking remember all that much else?

Throne of Glass eBook : Maas, Sarah J.: Kindle Store - Amazon.com

Written like five minutes afterward:

Shit, I just had a fucking brain blast that crawled out of the muck on how ashamed I was to like things, especially popular things. It felt like liking something too much would be fucking myself over, inviting criticism by my partners if I didn’t have a degree of irony and criticism between me and the thing. Some things were obscure enough that they would, in all likelihood, never have anything to say that was derogatory. But Sarah J Maas is a fantasy author with a cover that hits the YA stuff, and there’s like, ew! Romance? And stuff?? Ugh how dumb how stupid it was! I must mince this thing I am enjoying into pieces.

Hence “Guilty Pleasure”. Guilty for what? Reading a fucking book? Bro. Stupid. It was so stupid to be ashamed over reading things and enjoying them.