I’m using this as a sort of update since yeah it’s autobiographical and two I am SUPER sick of seeing that “Read Below” image. It’s a great snapshot of who I am right now.
Also, I look fucking fantastic in a tunic, who would have thought? Next thing you know I’m going to be some kind of… green Ren Faire creature 24/7…

I don’t know why I chose to have the “fixations” on there. I just think it was fun to make a sort of ita-bag like thing. Except here. On some art.

I got the required Chandi on there. And my obsession with other media. I didn’t put any of the activities on there since it seemed harder to fit…

I don’t expect to be done going through my backlog and updating any time soon! Right now I am wading through a bunch of comics from 2014, but there’s over a hundred and I’ve slowed down a touch.