2014 #47
Written in Jan 2023:
Usually that closet door would be closed lmao
There’s a lot to say but man! Baggage is heavy!!
Let me say now that it was nice while it lasted but I don’t think I was emotionally mature enough at that stage in my life to take a step back and look at what I had and did not; I didn’t have the ability to emotionally regulate quite yet at the time, learning how to function in what I thought was “normal society” (it was not). When one comes from a weird lifestyle like what I had, and doesn’t know really how to deal with life, when they find something, they cling on. It’s very easy to believe things are fine when they’re not.
I struggled a lot as a kid and I struggled a lot for years after. I suffer now from memory loss around the rougher times but I don’t really mind so much anymore!