a personal website owned and operated by M Moore for shits and giggles


Image of person (me, clorinspats) sitting in a window made of branches. They look off into the distance, surrounded by their cats. Green curtains frame orange light. Drying herbs are tied to a tree branch above them.

Who I Am

CLORINSPATS aka GOOD SAINT MADOC aka M MOORE is a dabbler, a jack of some trades, and just some guy. They have three cats, affectionately called the Baudelaires (the reader may be confident in their names, but if I were to name them in size order, it is Klaus, Sunny, and Violet).

A large part of their hobbies include making and then immediately displaying. This is what kind of site this is. “Look at me! I exist!” They also are the diversity hire for many random jobs that aren’t art because they have the grab bag of having an identity that usually takes at least two or three lines to write in a social media bio.

It is your mission, as the reader, to consume my creations and determine who and what they are. Some pages make it easy. Others… well. Not so much.

They draw, write, podcast, record games, and drift in swamps while pretending to be a log.

What the Fuck is “Clorinspats”

Aight dude. This is one of the Big Questions I always get about my main screen name. It is a made up word that I came up with in middle school or something like that. My age ended in “teen” and that’s what matters. It’s a combination of “chlorine” and spitting and unfortunately has nothing to do with extremely fashionable ankle covers.

Past Work

Formerly credited as CS Moore (short for Clorinspats Moore) or using their former blog (clorinart.tumblr.com).