So, a few years ago, the Nib shut down and because of that, they gave away all their issues for free. Some fellow online folks have kindly placed them on Internet Archive and so every issue is available online for people who missed downloading them before the Nib website became an archive.
It’s modern political cartoons, and this issue is Death.
It’s a wild subject to start on, and it addresses statistics, perspectives, and the current sciences surrounding death.
The comics are insightful. Funny. Not always something I agree with, but it does open up more about what people are thinking about when they approach death. The sacredness of the act of dying, the fear of dying, the desire to be present during death, what to do with the body; isn’t it curious that it’s a constant for us as humans but most of us end up not wanting to think about it?
It did make me think more about dying one day, which I know I will. I’m going on 32, and it’s not abnormal for people to start dying in their 30s, 40s, 50s. It makes me nervous, to think of dying, and in some way it’s comforting to see other people thinking about it as I do.
I don’t want to escape death, or run away, and I want something sacred. Something that feels good. I’ve spoken about it on the podcast, and honestly, this comic here is precisely the same as what I hope for.

I do heartily recommend the Nib for people looking for indie publications to add to their personal archive. I’ll be posting more of them here as well.