Beginner’s Guide to Digital Zines
One half of the beloved writer/artist team of Sister Claire has made a free zine for aspiring creators out there! It’s a quite pretty presentation akin to a slideshow that outlines the digital version of the modern zine, capturing how easy it is to create and how to promote it. It’s a very handy little…
The Herbalist and the Landlord
Honestly, I think this counts as a zine as well. Where did I even get this? It’s a mystery.* I ended up reading it more than once— literally I read it, then read it again, and then when I went to write about it, I read it agia . It’s a short 21 pager. The…
Queer Code
Honestly, a big agree with Panic Volkushka on this. The sense of seeing queerness in the strange and the villainous is a big one. Included is also a nice long list of recommended films to check out as well.