Kenka Bancho Otome: Girl Beats Boys


Original Name:



Queer Rep:

Everyone is kind of gay for MC??? I guess., MC feels more fulfilled by being a man than a woman, and MC’s newly adopted brother seems to really love being a woman into men

Disability Rep:


Rintarou Kira (dark-haired onii-san/childhood friend), Takayuki Konparu (family man), Totomaru Minowa (golden retriever energy), Yuuta Mirako (playboy idol), and Houou Onigashima (Nii-san at the top)

Harem Scale

H: MC has a lot of empathy and is the type to defend

A: MC is not angling for it. She’s in an all-boy’s school, so being surrounded by men is par for the course.

R: It’s a companion anime to an otome game, so… there’s the kinda romantic and yet masculine relationships. Hetero gayness.

E: Brief moments that could be a bit perverted, sure.

M: I don’t actually care much for one of the harem members but the sakuga absolutely made up for it.

A collection of short episodes, about 7 minutes each, with some really awesome fight choreography and animation. It’s so smooth! Honestly, I would recommend this to anyone who just likes watching sakuga.

thanks sakugaboorufor this one!

Welcome to the Menagerie.

Here is where M logs their media activity. Partly because Goodreads is forgettable and keeping physical logs is harder. Sometimes M writes a lot. Sometimes M doesn’t write enough. It doesn’t matter. This is just a for-fun little blog so that M can remember what they thought about whatever they watched or read or played or. Whatever.

What is M?

I read. Voraciously. I have subscriptions to those book things on digital retailers. I consume books at nearly all hours. The hours I don’t spend reading? I’m writing. I’m drawing. I have a problem. I have a problem in that I love to read things that are in the same vein repeatedly. Book journals don’t work and as much as I text my friends screenshots of book passages, it doesn’t scratch the itch. Now I’m going to be doing… tiny… tiny book reports.

Truck-Kun Kill Count:

Books & Light Novels Read in 2025: 9/100
Comics Read in 2025: 13/100
Physical Owned Books Read: 398/662

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