This book is just a way to alleviate some masculine violence, bro. I’m not joking. It’s got a few stories in it and it takes a juvenile delight in using slurs and doesn’t really have a care for being “politically correct”, as angry male comics would put it. They let you know right in the beginning, of course, by being an ass in the psuedo-warning area in the front matter of the book.

Yeah, fuck you, buddy.
Anyhow, here’s the story list.

First thing: I spoke to Remy about it in detail, because he’s my big horror-fiend bud and I had to get out how much I disliked this. He ended up explaining a bunch about splatterpunk to me, which I still don’t understand but understand just a little more than I did thanks to him.
Second: I’m pretty sure this is just written to jack off about how edgy someone can write, but it feels really fucking lazy. It’s the sort of violence inflicted when people don’t really have any ideas. Cut off the bunny feet and wear them. Cool, whatever. Sure, slap the bunny in the face with his own cartoon dick. Curse the serial-killer child to an eternity in cartoon land of being tortured since he introduced the possibility of death and true pain to the world of cartoons. Whatever.
Then you have the one I favored best (A Slashy Nature) which was, honestly, also kind of boring in the grand scheme. Cursed knife and all.
Then I don’t remember Paper Chasin’. I do remember the preview of Benjamin, because it’s supposed to be about a hundred dollar bill and features and extended sex scene where a dude fucks a woman and cause her to uncontrollably shit herself while she thinks, woe, my tits are saggy.
It’s written as if it’s a middle schooler who has realized that when it comes to the world of words, you’re really allowed to do anything, so you do. It’s boring. It’s lazy. And mostly I’m pissed because I thought it would be more fun, but nooo.
This book has caused me to add Shit to the TW list and also, She Boobed Boobily. And I’m not even getting into the weird racism here. Two white dudes trying to write black people… peppering in slurs for fun… c’mon.