
Tino Shade, Liz Smart (yandere whiny), and Sitri Smart

Harem Scale

H: MC elects to duck out of responsibility and send people on errands, only helping when he might get in trouble.

A: He knows that these women are very attached to him and there’s lots of them. He will go on dates.

R: He doesn’t really look at any of them romantically.

E: It’s mostly just something you watch for waifus.

M: MC bores me and a member of the harem is fucking annoying.

Let’s just start here:

It’s boring.

Listen, okay, when I’m watching anime with harems, I expect some… variety? A character who does something to earn admiration? This guy just stumbled into everything and it’s maddening. Everyone assumes he’s doing some super clever thing while he’s just trying to get out of work, and I thought that they would balance this out with him actually sometimes being… cool?

It was funny at first but Krai spends so much time away from the action on purpose that it’s boring to watch him. I don’t like him. He brings the whole show down. And his harem… I can tolerate some. But one in particular annoys me.

You see, the whiny child type in the harem pisses me off. I hate to hear whining drawn out too much, and this girl just. Does it. Constantly. She was fun in the first moments because of her hot and col personality, but if I have to hear her whine one more time I’m going to vomit and kill myself. It made it feel more like it wasn’t worth meeting the rest of the Grieving Souls.

I dropped this one. It just didn’t… work. Maybe the manga is better? Does it have a manga?

Welcome to the Menagerie.

Here is where M logs their media activity. Partly because Goodreads is forgettable and keeping physical logs is harder. Sometimes M writes a lot. Sometimes M doesn’t write enough. It doesn’t matter. This is just a for-fun little blog so that M can remember what they thought about whatever they watched or read or played or. Whatever.

What is M?

I read. Voraciously. I have subscriptions to those book things on digital retailers. I consume books at nearly all hours. The hours I don’t spend reading? I’m writing. I’m drawing. I have a problem. I have a problem in that I love to read things that are in the same vein repeatedly. Book journals don’t work and as much as I text my friends screenshots of book passages, it doesn’t scratch the itch. Now I’m going to be doing… tiny… tiny book reports.

Truck-Kun Kill Count:

Books & Light Novels Read in 2025: 9/100
Comics Read in 2025: 13/100
Physical Owned Books Read: 398/662

Menagerie Categories

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