Beautiful art.
Boring porn.
“But M! This is about fucking otherworldly beings!” Yeah, but some of it’s so vague, or hard to see, and you kind of… can’t enjoy it as much? Maybe it’s the person between the keyboard and the chair who is the problem?
Listen— they led with the best one first, which was the Once Bitten story. It has a whole storyline, features multiple scenes, and has a bit of comedy in it without losing the overall sexy vibe. Nice! You expect that level through the whole thing!
And then it sort of drops off after that. Each vignette showcases a different eldritch being (cool) but the depictions aren’t always… great? The most boring one by far was The Backroom, where a girl walks into a sex club, goes into the backroom, and takes off her shirt in front of an orgy. The palette is so dark that I can’t see it, and who wants to read porn where your nose is touching the screen? The inks are great, but without enough contrast to see anything.
I’m sure other people will like it much more than me, though. Different strokes… etc etc